Closing Wisdom Part I: Alternatives to the command-line - Some editors, like Text Wrangler, run on your laptop and allow you to connect over the network to open files on a remote server. - Tools like sshfs and implementations such as MacFUSE and MacFusion will allow you to mount a remote server as a "drive" on your local computer. - Portal technology can be used to launch and monitor jobs without logging in via the command line. Other tools can be combined to make things simple, and our staff can help develop those. Part II: Getting access to TeraGrid resources - We are always looking for interesting projects for students. - Decide what you are looking for: What architecture, do you need help, do you need storage? (OK to ask for some of each!) - Self-teaching online at CI-TUTOR - TeraGrid - Other workshops - watch the TeraGrid webpage - Please ask! There are a lot of options, and we can help! - We have a large user support team that is happy to help. - You can request advanced support - How to request time: Regular: Large allocations for major projects, due 4 times a year Startup: Smaller allocations, usually for preliminary work Education: Accounts for classroom use - Asking for a start-up request: Start at . In the left sidebar, middle section (Manage Login), choose "Create POPS login." Fill in the information requested in the pop-up window. Once this has been processed, return to and in the left sidebar, top section (Login), choose "Use POPS login" and log in. Once you have logged in, from Submission Home, choose "Startup." This then presents you with a web form to fill out. It asks for contact information, an abstract, and a CV. Some of the questions whose answers may not be obvious: Page 1: If you don't know what the field "Distinguished Name(s)" is asking for, then leave it blank. Page 3: Multi-Year request? No. Page 5: Make reasonable estimates This form will ask about your grant support. It is NOT to charge money against any grants that you have. Rather, TeraGrid uses this as a short-cut to find out if any of your work has passed reasonable peer review. From the list of "available resources," our machine is "NICS SGI/NVIDIA, Visualization and Data Analysis System (Nautilus)." Ask for 30,000 SUs. (Remember, we will give extra time in exchange for a project for a student.) Do you want Advanced Support (help porting code, etc.)? If so, enter that on the resource request page, too. The justification should be at the beginning of your abstract. See for information needed in the justification. Use the abstract field for any additional notes about your request. - The "catch": In return we ask for an acknowledgment in published work based on use of these resources. We may ask for nice images for a slide or for including in our reports to NSF. We would also like to feature your discoveries on our web page.